Orthorexia – Have I Gone too Far?

read this article a few weeks ago and continue to have mixed feelings. It discusses how there is a new eating disorder (or disordered eating) emerging as many are becoming so focused on the foods they eat, the level or processing and where their food comes from. It is called orthorexia. Unlike anorexia, which addresses how much you eat, orthorexia is about what you eat.

It is suggested that those of you who are eating foods that are gluten free, allergen free, local, organic, pasture raised….etc…are taking things to an unhealthy state both physically and mentally.

On the one hand, of course I can see how this makes sense. Eating disorders and disordered eating often stem from a need for control. And now with this new wave of sustainability and eating whole, real foods, some are taking this to an unnecessary state by cutting out food groups, eating a deficient amount of nutrients and obsessing about food, which does no good for anyone. Many individuals are following extreme diets and they do not even know why – they are following fads and trends and hoping it will benefit them.

Carmel Valley San Diego Community | Jae Berman | Assorted VegetablesI am troubled because I do not think it is unhealthy or inappropriate to ask “Where does my food come from?” We deserve to know and for far too long, we have been kept in the dark regarding where food is sourced and how it is prepared. We have been hidden from so much regarding our food supply that now many of us are sick and dying and unhealthy due to something that could have been resolved if we asked more questions regarding our food.

I only want to eat local foods grown under sustainable farming practices. I will only buy pasture raised eggs and meat. I flat out refuse to eat hundreds of foods due to their processing or how they were grown. I do feel some foods make me inflamed and I avoid them. Am I orthorexic? I don’t think I am. I feel quite good about how I eat and enjoy each and every bite. I eat a balanced diet, am not deficient in any nutrients and at a healthy weight with a very good blood profile. But I say “no” to a lot of foods – do I have a disordered eating pattern?

I am worried that many of us who are not informed enough regarding nutrition and food have taken clean eating to an extreme state. But, I am also worried that not enough of us are demanding to know how our food is sourced, how our animals are raised and what is in our food.

Can we find a balance? Yup, still confused on this one….thanks for listening.
Carmel Valley San Diego Community | The Bay Club Carmel Valley | Jae Berman

Jae Berman, MS, RD, CSSD, serves as the Regional Registered Dietitian of The San Francisco Bay Club. As the nutrition expert and dietician for Western Athletic  Clubs, she thrives on helping people live healthier, stronger, more confident lives. With an extensive education in nutrition, Jae has been featured as an expert in Shape Magazine, Better Homes & Garden and more. Her background is in sports nutrition, weight loss counseling and disease management. She is also a personal trainer and yoga and Pilates instructor. Jae earned a master’s degree in Applied Physiology and Nutrition from Columbia University and completed her dietetic internship at UCSF Medical Center.


Carmel Valley San Diego Community | RIDE Cyclery Encinitas

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