Heat Danger to Pets and Humans – 80 to 132 in Ten Minutes

Please be aware of the heat danger to pets and humans during this current heat wave. Since I knew we had a hot week ahead, I put a thermometer in my pickup truck this weekend here at your Rancho Coastal Humane Society. We’re about a mile from the beach in Encinitas. It leaped from 80 to 132 inside in just ten minutes.

That’s about the time it would take for a person to walk into a store, buy bread and milk, and get back out. An animal or person left in the vehicle would be in serious danger from the inside car temperatures that ultimately could result in a heat stroke or even death.

“Cracking” the windows makes a difference of about 5 degrees.

It took 30 minutes after locking the thermometer in the truck. Temperature inside was 148.

Since dogs don’t sweat (except a little through their paws), they pant to cool off. When air temperature is close to body temperature, panting doesn’t help. Heat stroke occurs when a dog’s body cannot cool. That can lead to multiple organ failure.

Symptoms of heat stroke include panting, red guns, irregular heartbeat, and disorientation (almost like your dog looks drunk.) If your dog shows signs of heat stroke, start by spraying it with cool (not cold) water, wrap it with cool towels, and take it to your veterinarian.

It’s not worth the risk. Please do not leave pets or people in closed vehicles.



Carmel Valley San Diego Community | RIDE Cyclery Encinitas

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